Saturday, May 30, 2009

Greek Omlettes

Poor David has had a tough week. He's had hay down for a week, and because of working, rain, sick calves, and machine malfunction, he's had a heck of a time getting it baled. Bless his heart! I decided that, even though I can't really help with putting up the hay, at least I could make him a hearty breakfast before he went out to finish it up. I decided last night that omlettes would be good...especially because I had plenty of fresh veggies to use. Here's my omlette-making station:
After I got all my ingredients/fillings together, I realized they were all "Greek" we had Greek omlettes this morning! I also made bacon, grits, and toast (with my first-ever homemade blackberry freezer jam). It was a delicious meal!The morning light in my sunroom made the pictures so pretty!

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