Monday, May 4, 2009

Stuff You Need
This is the post that almost wasn't! I've spent the last 45 minutes or so on my hands and knees scrubbing my filthy bathroom floor with a toothbrush, and I really wasn't in the mood to blog. You see, we live in a house that's probably sixty years old, and I think the original tile is in the bathroom. It's white tile with white grout. Is there a sane person in the world who thinks it's a good idea to put white tile with white grout in the bathroom? I can't imagine anyone would think that's a good idea! Anyway, it gets all cruddy looking, and I can't stand it! I'm no clean freak by any stretch, but it was getting to be a little much. Butanyway...I've got to keep my 5 or 6 readers coming back, and if they don't get their "Stuff You Need" fix, I can't imagine that they'll be able to go on!
So here we go...what do you need this week?
Knives, my friends...and good ones.

Above, you'll see the knives I use most often in my kitchen (except I forgot one). You don't have to go out and buy Wusthof knives in order to be a success in the kitchen (although that would be nice!), but a good set of knives will go a long way in making your life easier. The top two are the ones I use 99% of the time. They're my two santoku knives, and they're the workhorses of the Orr kitchen. When I've got serious chopping to do, that's what I reach for. For a long time, I only had the big one, but I got the smaller green one from Pampered Chef (my stepsister is a consultant, and they've got some nice stuff). I didn't really think I needed two santoku knives, but it's been so nice to have them! Now, I use the big one mostly on big stuff (watermelons, canteloupes, etc.), but that's not to say that you can't use it for the everyday stuff, too. It's just that the little green one is easy to handle when I'm chopping onions, mincing garlic, etc. If you don't have a santoku knife, get one...really.

Next, we have the large serrated knife. You just can't cut a nice loaf of bread with the santoku gets all smashed and ugly. Serrated is the way to go, especially for bread. (I don't have much more to say about it.)

Then, we have the sharpest knife (currently) in my arsenal. I guess it's a chef's knife...I really don't know. This is my meat-trimming knife. I think it's really a pretty all-purpose knife, but that point really helps to get in there and trim up chicken, beef, etc.

Finally, the tomato knife. And no, it's not just for tomatoes. I really like this knife, and I'm not sure why. I really like the sharp can get things started with that. It's David's go-to knife for cutting up oranges. (And while I'm on the subject of cutting up oranges, how do you eat them? I grew up just peeling them and eating the wedges out of hand. David and my inlaws always cut an orange, then eat the flesh away from the peel. The first time I sat and peeled and orange and ate the wedges out of hand, they looked at me like I had two heads. Of course, I probably looked at them like they had two heads while they were slicing away at the oranges. Which way do you prefer?) Let's get back to the subject at hand...the tomato knife is essential for slicing those juicy home-grown tomatoes that are still warm from the sun! That sharp point cuts through the thin, but tough skin without smashing the tomato's flesh, which gives you perfect tomato slices. It's a must-have.

My last little knife (that I forgot to get out) is also from The Pampered Chef. It's a little paring knife, and I think they cost less than a dollar each. I got mine as part of a wedding shower gift from David's cousin Virginia Ann. That knife is sharp! It's great for peeling an apple or slicing potatoes. And for what they cost, there's no reason not to have a couple!

So there you have it...the stuff you need for this week. Really, ya' need good knives.

1 comment:

  1. i eat oranges like you do! this was a fun little series you had going!
