Tuesday, May 26, 2009

TWD: Chipster Topped Brownies

It's Tuesday, so that means it's time for another decadant creation from Dorie Greenspan's cookbook, Baking: From My Home to Yours. This week, we have Beth, from Supplicious to thank for the extra caloric intake!
So...what is a Chipster-Topped Brownie, you ask? It's a very chocolatey brownie that has chocolate chip cookie dough spread on top. Yep...a little over the top, huh?
I decided to make these for our church women's group meeting last Thursday, and they were a hit. I made them on Wednesday night, so as usual, there aren't any process pictures. But let me tell you...they were actually more work than I thought they were. And they didn't come together as easily as Ms. Dorie might lead you to believe. I could not get my cookie dough to spread over the brownie batter to save my life. That lead to the brownie abomination you see below:
I got a big ol' gap between my two layers! And, the layers weren't as distinct as I had hoped. The cookie dough just kind of sunk down into the brownie. It wasn't as impressive for pictures as I had hoped. But they were gooooooood. The brownie was fudgy, which is just the way I like 'em. And the cookie dough layer tasted like chocolate chip cookie...which is always great!

Overall, these brownies were delicious. However, I'm not sure that I'll make them again...they were awfully labor-intensive, and there are other (easier) things that I like just as well. Like the Caramel Crunch Bars (which you'll see tomorrow).


  1. They look wonderful! I wasn't sure how impressed I was with this recipe until they sat overnight. Very tasty!

  2. Your brownie looks soo fudgey and chocolatey! Yummy!
