Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Today at work and on the drive home, I was listening to KLOVE, and all day long, the radio personalities were talking about their favorite sandwiches. They invited callers from all over the country to call in with their favorite sandwiches. It was really interesting, especially because I love food more than anything. By the time I was on the drive home, it seemed like everyone who called in was professing their love for peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. I mean, for about 30 minutes, it was caller after caller talking about how wonderful peanut butter and pickle sandwiches are! Good grief! I was right there, nodding in agreement with the callers who said they liked peanut butter, banana, and chocolate syrup sandwiches. Or the peanut butter, banana, and honey sandwiches. But peanut butter and pickle? Please! For the better part of 14 years, Chet has been trying to get me to eat a toasted peanut butter, pickle, and mayonnaise sandwich, which he loves. I haven't taken him up on it. I love peanut butter. I love pickles. I love mayonnaise. But together? I'm not so sure. But on my drive home, I decided that today would be the day I would have my first peanut butter and pickle sandwich. I'm not quite ready to add the mayo. Baby steps, you know.
Here it is. The PB and Pickle sandwich. I used regular ol' creamy PB and these pickles. I wonder if I used enough PB? I like a thick coat of peanut butter on my sandwiches, and I kind of held back. Look at that bold pickle slice! Wow.
There you go. I did it. I took a bite. I actually at the whole thing. It was okay. It wasn't as good as I anticipated it, based on the rave reviews I heard on the radio. Maybe I didn't put enough peanut butter on it. Maybe it was because I used the cheap stuff instead of JIF. I don't was edible. Maybe even pretty good. It just tasted like peanut butter and pickles. I actually found myself thinking..."maybe the mayo would be really good..."
Now I'm going to issue you a challenge, a fun one for you, and for me. Tell me your favorite sandwich, and I'll make it, blog it, and eat it. It doesn't have to be weird, like the PB and pickle sandwich, but it can be. It could be the most delicious sandwich you've ever had, and you'd like to see me try to recreate it. Please don't be mean to me and ask me to make fried worm and dirt sandwiches or something like that, because I don't want to eat that stuff. Either leave me a comment on this post, or shoot me an email at I can't wait to hear what you have for me!


  1. Chet says it has to be sweet pickles, did you use dill? It sounds nasty to me, but I'm not very adventurous.

  2. Erin,
    Hot Ham & Cheese Hoagies are a favorite around the Smith household.

    6 hoagie buns
    6 slices swiss cheese
    3 oz virginia baked ham per sandwich
    butter (i feel like Paula Deen)
    garlic powder

    butter the inside of the hoagie buns and sprinkle with a small bit of garlic powder on one side. put under broiler until lightly browned. put cheese on one half and the ham on the other and put back under the broiler until melted and slightly browned. take out and assemble your hoagie with any condiments, veggies of your choice. it's worth the effort!!

  3. My favorite summer sandwich is open faced - a hearty slice of wheat bread, smeared with roasted red pepper spread (recipe below), topped with juicy, sliced tomatoes. It's perfect for this time of year, with all the fresh produce that's available.

    Roasted red pepper spread
    In a food processor, combine:
    1 small cucumber, seeded and cut into 1 inch chunks
    1 7-oz. jar of roasted red peppers, drained and dried (or 2 large red bell peppers, roasted and peeled)
    6 oz. reduced fat cream cheese, softened
    3 oz. fat-free cream cheese, softened
    3 tablespoons red onion
    1 garlic clove
    1/4 teaspoon salt

    Pulse until ingredients are all combined in an even texture. Store in a well sealed container in the fridge for up to 1 month.
