Sunday, August 16, 2009

Vote for Me!

Remember these?
They're the Brownie Bite Sundaes I made on Tuesday for...Tuesdays with Dorie. They were delicious! Anyway, I was petty pleased with how my pictures turned out, so I entered them into a contest! The Best Foodie Foto Contest is hosted by Laura from "Hey! What's for Dinner, Mom?"

Each week, she invites food bloggers to send her their best food photos from the week, then she compiles them all into one delicious post. To vote, you need to head on over to her site, check out the pictures, find mine, and leave a comment on my photo as your vote.

If you're a regular visitor to The Sweet Life, or if you've just stumbled upon it, I'd appreciate your vote! All you have to do is click on the linke to Laura's site, which is "Hey! What's for Dinner, Mom?" You'll go right to her site, where you can cast your vote.

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