Tuesday, October 13, 2009

TWD: Allspice Crumb Muffins

It's not just a simple Tuesdays With Dorie post today...it's also my 100th blog post! I can't believe it! I couldn't decide whether to do something special for this post, or to just go along as if it were a regular post like any other. I pretty much decided to let it go like any other post, mainly because I had no idea when I'd find the time to plan or execute something special. Then...I realized that if I waited long enough, I could have a TWD post as my 100th post, which I thought would be quite fitting. After all, my joining TWD was the whole reason to start this blog in the first place!
This week's TWD assignment was a welcome one. It was chosen by Kayte, of Grandma's Kitchen Table. This was a very easy recipe to put together, and I had pretty much all the ingredients on hand. While I was making these last Saturday, I decided to go ahead and make a couple of other kinds of muffins to take to church the following morning. You'll see those in future posts. Anyway, these muffins were delicious and well-received during Sunday School.
I just had two little issues with this recipe. First, the crumb topping. I know some of the other bakers had some problems with the crumb topping sliding off the muffin during baking. I took their advice and lightly pressed it into the batter, so that kept the crumb from sliding off. However, it still didn't turn out the way I expected it to. I guess I expected something more along the lines of a streusel topping, and that's not what I got. It was very tasty, but just not the look I had hoped for. The next issue was with excess butter. When I removed the muffins (which were baked in groovy-looking Halloween cupcake liners) from the tins, there was a puddle of butter left behind. YUCK! The muffins didn't taste greasy or overly buttery, but I just couldn't get rid of the visual of the muffins sitting in a puddle of butter. Plus, it made the bottom of my liners buttery/greasy which was kind of messy during transport.
Overall, these muffins were great! I enjoyed the allspice flavor...I've never used it as a primary flavoring, and it was nice to really taste it. It's got a light "fall" flavor to it, which is perfect this time of year. Kayte has posted the recipe on her website, which you can find here. Happy baking!


  1. love the little paper muffin cups. Very Fall!! I think I will cut the butter next time, too. But these were quite tasty.

    Yours look perfect.

  2. You wouldnt know the issues you had by looking at your muffins...they look great! Also love your liners--those are fantastic.

  3. congrats on your 100th post!! and I LOVE the liners. super cute!

  4. Congratulations on your 100th post! Those liners are just perfect for fall. I absolutely love them.

  5. congrats on post # 100! I loved the flavor of this muffin as well...it totally reminds me of fall.

  6. I had a nice buttery residue in my muffin tin, too. Sorta soaked right through the liners. I thought it was my streusel melting off the top, though. Looks great! I really like your liners, too! Congrats on your 100th post.

  7. Congratulations on your 100th post! Your muffins look great and the liners are really cute!

  8. First of all, it was an honor to share my pick with your 100th post! Your muffins look really lovely, and where did you get those great wrappers? I am obviously not shopping enough as I never see things like this...should rectify that soon. I didn't use wrappers with these, but I have seen that people who did had some butter issues. Hmmm...no clue why as I am not that great of a baker. Loved the look of yours in those wonderful wrappers, though. Thanks for baking with me this week.
