Monday, December 7, 2009

Skillet Chicken Stroganoff

This week and next week are going to be pretty busy, between work, Christmas prep, and getting ready to move. I knew I'd have to work a little late this evening, so that meant that I'd have to find something quick and easy (but stil tasty!) for dinner.
I found this Skillet Chicken Stroganoff online about a week ago, but never got around to making it. It went together really quickly, which was my main requirement for this evening's meal. It used lots of mushrooms, so I enlisted David with his help in cleaning them so that we could eat supper sooner. Tonight, I used Hunt's fire-roasted diced tomatoes with garlic, instead of my regular diced tomatoes, and they really added a ton of flavor! Overall, this meal gets an "okay" rating. I probably won't make it again, but it was good in a pinch, and it was something new (which I need pretty frequently, if I'm going to keep up with this food-blogging thing)!
Skillet Chicken Stroganoff
Heather's Website
14.5 oz stewed tomatoes (I used diced)
1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces
1/2 lb. mushrooms, quartered (I used about twice this much...we love mushrooms)
1 onion, chopped
1 tsp. dried thyme
4-6 oz. whole wheat pasta, uncooked
1/2 cup sour cream
Drain tomatoes, reserving liquid. Add water to liquid, if necessary, to measure 3/4 cup. In a large skillet coated with nonstick spray, cook chicken, mushrooms, onion, and thyme. Add salt and pepper to taste, if desired.
Stir in pasta, reserved liquid, and tomatoes. Cover and cook over medium heat, ten minutes or until pasta is done, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat; stir in sour cream.

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