Monday, December 21, 2009

A Whirlwind

Whew! Between this...
And this...
my little food blog has been woefully neglected lately! Our house is so close to being finished! We won't make it in by Christmas, but we won't miss it by much. We'll take a little photo tour here in a few minutes. But what about that good looking group of grads? Those are the very first graduates from the Lindsey Wilson College School of Professional Counseling extended campus in Louisville! They're the group of students I've been working with since I started my new job in April. Last Tuesday evening, we held their pinning ceremony at The Bunbury Theatre at The Henry Clay. It took a lot of work to put together, but it was worth it! If you'd like to see more pictures, visit LWC's Flickr page.
Now, this house! It's kicking my butt, and I'm not really doing anything but picking things can it possibly consume so much time?! We went over tonight and got a wonderful surprise, which you'll see at the very end. I just can't believe how much I love it. Standing in that house makes me realize how fortunate I am. Let's take a tour!
These are the steps leading up the stairs to the upstairs bedrooms. Please pardon the dusty floors...we're still under construction!
This is the view of the living room and the fireplace from the catwalk upstairs. The mantle isn't finished, but you get the idea...
Here's a view of the living room and fireplace from the breakfast room. Again, pardon the dust and garbage!
This was my surprise tonight! I'm so daggum excited about getting into this kitchen that I can't stand it! When I saw these cabinets tonight, I just fell in love with the kitchen. I've had my doubts about it, but tonight, I could tell that it would all come together beautifully!
There are still more cabinets to install, but you get the idea. The fridge goes right there in the center. The cooktop and microwave go in the space on the right. The sink will be on the left, and my double wall oven will be where those two ladders are. I can't wait!
Another view of the kitchen. I just can't wait! Now, even with all this excitement going on, I assure you, I've been in my tiny little kitchen baking up a storm. I've got loads of Christmas goodies to show you, and I'll do my best to get those up in the next few days. I've got several days off work coming up soon, but I'll be sure to post in between packing up all of our stuff!

1 comment:

  1. **swoon** i am so jealous! we're in our house for several more years, but i desperately wish for more cabinet and counter space! this is amazing!!

    hope you had a great christmas!
