Tuesday, March 23, 2010

TWD: Dulce de Leche Duos

I was so excited when I saw these on the March TWD list. Dulce de Leche? Yum! Dulce de Leche in the cookie batter, then sandwiched between two cookies? Be still my caramel-loving heart!
Have you had dulce de leche? I hadn't heard of it or tried it until I got started food blogging. I found a recipe online to make my own (back about a year ago) from sweetened condensed milk. I thought it was pretty good stuff...we had it drizzled over cheesecake. I had planned on making my own again for this recipe, but time got away from me. So I bought a bottle of the premade stuff at Wal-Mart, and it was so much better! It was much darker than mine and had a lot more flavor. I guess my homemade version would have been better if I had cooked it longer, but I was a dulce de leche newbie and didn't know any better. I'll have to experiement and tweak my recipe to see how close I can get to the brand I bought at Wal-Mart.
Anyway, these cookies were really good, but honestly, it was a little too much dulce de leche at once. I think I would prefer either the cookie (which was so moist and delicious) or the dulce de leche, but not together. It was over the top, even for me. But if you like caramel, you should definitely try these. Dulce de leche isn't the same thing as caramel (which is made from sugar)...dulce de leche is made from sweetened milk, but there's a similar flavor. If you're interested in trying these very unique cookies, please go visit Beansy Loves Cake! Jodi has the recipe posted, and you should check out her impressive cake creations! Happy baking!


  1. Your cookies look great! I liked the cookies plain too. I used the oven method, so you may want to try that because you can keep your eye on it and decide when it's dark enough. I'll be making more dulce de leche for sure!

  2. they look great! i also loved the plain cookies but liked them sandwiched as well

  3. Great looking cookies! I will be sure to try some plain and some with the dulce de leche. Tomorrow. I hope. :)

  4. I made my dulce de leche and tasted it for the first time ever.... But it turned out quite thick, no way that I'd be able to drizzle it!! The cookies were super!

  5. Mmm... I like cookies but just the thought of drizzling DDL on cheesecake just make me drool. Glad you enjoyed the cookies.

  6. caramel lover here too! nice job.

  7. I agree with you! I loved the cookies, but with the added DDL, it was a little bit much for me, too. I still ate 'em, though. :o)
