Tuesday, April 20, 2010

TWD: Sweet Cream Biscuits

I think that I can count on one hand the number of times I've made biscuits. We just don't eat biscuits that much around here. We love 'em though...that's for sure. Maybe that's why I don't make them! In the past, on the few occasions we've had biscuits with dinner, I've just bought the frozen ones and heated them up. (I know, I know...but they're good!) I think biscuits have a reputation as being difficult to make, so I kind of bought into it, I guess. And, being from a Southern state, a girl kind of feels obligated to make delicious, light, flaky biscuits. Well...I can't say that I've got biscuit making down to an art, but I've got a start!
Dorie (and everyone else who is good at making biscuits) will tell you that one of the keys to light, flaky biscuits is to NOT OVERWORK THE DOUGH. This is the thing I have the most trouble with in baking. I guess I just like to be stern with dough. If I get dough in my hands, I have to work it! It's a compulsion! With these biscuits, I tried not to work the dough too much. I was afraid that I had erred too far on the side of caution, but they rose pretty well. I also didn't twist my biscuit cutter when I cut my rounds. I think that helps some, too. I don't understand the chemistry of it all, but I'm pretty sure it helps the dough rise a little higher. Overall, these biscuits were very well-received at my house! David ate 5 of them. But they're teeny-tiny biscuits...cut with a 2-inch cutter. I'm not used to petite biscuits...around here, we want a biscuit the size of your fist! But I do think that these would be precious at a shower with country ham sandwiched between the two halves. YUM! If you'd like to make your own batch of super-easy and delicious biscuits, check out Melissa's blog, Love at First Bite.


  1. These look absolutely lovely! Great job, and I agree that it's hard to not be overworking the dough with biscuitry. It feels too much like bread kneading and then I guess it's easy to get carried away! :)

  2. they look great! i would love to do these at a shower. you got a great rise on yours too!

  3. They look perfect. I couldn't get over just how easy yet delicious these biscuits were. :)

  4. They look great! It's so hard to know what's overworking and what's underworking when you're mixing dough.

  5. Pretty biscuits. How would they be covered in sausage gravy?

  6. The smaller the better, in my book, that way you can eat more! They look so good and Im glad you all enjoyed them. I love biscuits, but like you, try not to bake them much. They are way to tempting and loaded with carbs!

  7. i adore the texture, they look so tender!
