Tuesday, June 22, 2010

TWD: Dressy Chocolate Loaf Cake

I sit at my computer typing this with a very full stomach. Too full, actually. It's because of this:
That's the Dressy Chocolate Loaf Cake, which was chosen as this week's TWD recipe by Amy Ruth of Amy Ruth Bakes. Once again, I almost sat this one out...David and I made a whirlwind trip to St. Louis for his cousin's wedding. We left "the 'Ville" on Friday night and got back Sunday night. I usually do my TWD recipes on Sundays, but I was just too tired Sunday night to even think about baking. So I talked myself into throwing this together last night (and finished it at a little after 10!), and I'm so glad I did. It was so good. The cake portion really reminded me a lot of this cake (which, by the way, was made for MaryBeth's shower...and it was her wedding that we attended in St. Louis this weekend), but with a twist. This cake is filled with raspberry jam and an interesting frosting. The frosting is just semi-sweet chocolate and sour cream. I was skeptical about it, but it turned out delicious!
The chocolate sour cream frosting spread like a dream when it was still warm. I put the cake in the fridge overnight, and when we had a slice after dinner tonight, the frosting reminded me of a tangy ganache. Yum! This cake was so simple to make, but it looks impressive. Amy Ruth has the recipe posted at her site. Happy baking!


  1. I did mine at the same time last night! But I'm so glad I made it--delicious! Glad yours came together so well--your pictures are great!

  2. You live in Kentucky, I went to the site and couldn't ascertain your residence but I suppose you could be in Scottsville? You mentioned you came to STL for a wedding and I live in Columbia, MO about 1 1/2 hours west of there. Small World and I like to make new friends. Thank you for sharing your dressed up cake with everyone and for baking along with me this week. Your cake looks scrumptious. I am so glad you enjoyed its simplicity.

  3. Your cake looks fabulous! I was skeptical about sour cream in the icing too, but Dorie was right once again.

  4. I tried to get my link up early too..OH well here you are and it's so nice to see such a lovley tasty looking loaf cake. I got something cool to show you on my blog! I got it for my bday!

  5. Glad you were able to make this--it did go together pretty quickly. Next time I'm definitely going to try raspberry in the filling.

  6. Interesting thoughts I really enjoyed your blog.
