Tuesday, June 8, 2010

TWD: Tender Shortcakes

It's been awhile, hasn't it? Over a week, to be exact. I apologize. As I told David yesterday, I think I've lost my mojo. I just have been in kind of a funk over the last week or so and haven't felt like doing much of anything...even cooking. Things around here have been pretty darn boring lately. But I think I might be getting a little bit of my mojo back. At least I made my shortcakes!
Aren't they pretty? These were just right for getting back into the swing of things. As I was mixing the dough, I thought to myself, "I really enjoy this." However, I was very afraid that I would overwork my dough. It's what I do, remember? I like to knead and knead and knead! But I used some restraint, even though I thought that maybe I had kneaded too much. But it looks like they turned out okay!
David's mom and dad just got back from Florida. They brought us some delicious peaches, and as soon as Shirley gave them to me, I knew they were destined for shortcakes! They were delicious, and they were perfect with the slightly sweet shortcakes and the lightly vanilla-flavored whipped cream. YUM! These shortcakes were so good...better than the ones I used to make with Bisquick (gasp!), but really just as easy!
We've got Cathy, of
The Tortefeasor, to thank for this pick. This was a perfect choice for this time of year! If you've got fresh berries or peaches, please click here for the recipe!


  1. Mmm, those peaches look yummy! I have a feeling we'll be making these again, with all sorts of fruit.

  2. I would love a great peach right now. Beautiful photos!

  3. I am a tad jealous of your peaches. They look like the perfect way to make this.

  4. ah yes, i have been a devotee of the bisquick shortcakes for many years now! i haven't gotten to make these yet but am looking forward to them tonight! yours look lovely!

  5. oh your peaches. so juicy, so tempting. and let's not even talk about the weather - you lucky ducks!

  6. I loved how easy these were! The peaches look great.

  7. Your shortcakes look perfect, and now I can't wait till peaches are in season here!

  8. The peaches look perfect on the shortcakes. YUMMY!

  9. The peach version of these shortcakes looks so delicious! It's nice to see you back. I'm sorry you've been in a funk. We all lose our mojo from time to time, I hope things smooth out for you soon.

  10. It definitely looks like you got your mojo back! Your shortcakes look just fabulous - so sunny and delicious. I did a peach version too, and I think these are wonderful with fresh, juicy peaches. Thank you so much for baking along with me this week!
