Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's Been Awhile...

It's been quite a while since my last post. A month at least. Things have just been crazy lately, and I haven't taken the time to add to the blog. Rest assured, I've still been cooking (and taking pictures), so I'm getting quite the stockpile ready. But I've decided that there are going to be some changes to The Sweet Life. Instead of being strictly a cooking blog, I've decided to branch out some. I've been bitten by the crafting bug lately, so I'll be adding my craft projects as I get them finished (but some of them are slow going). I'll also be adding some of the adventures that I go on with David, friends, and family. And there'll probably be some general "life" stuff on here too. But there'll still be plenty of food posts. That's what I do best, I think.
So stay tuned. There'll be something new here soon!


  1. missed your posts, but i look forward to new stories, crafts, and recipes!

  2. Looking forward to reading the "redesigned" blog!

  3. Glad to see you back! I should probably start working on my blog some more too...
