Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thrifty Thursday!

This is my first "Thifty Thursday" entry, and it'll probably be pretty short since I'm feeling pretty craptastic. Anyway, Thrifty Thursdays were started by Amanda of Amanda's Cookin'. It's a group of people just trying to be thrifty in all kinds of ways...home, garden, food, or kitchen. My contribution to Thrifty Thursdays this week is the frittata:

This one is a frittata I made using lots of leftover and frozen veggies I had on hand. They're great ways to use up those last little bits of ingredients you've used throughout the week. Last summer, my mother-in-law was overrun with zucchini from her garden, so I took a bunch of them off her hands, shredded, and froze them. This frittata has some of that zucchini, some leftover fresh spinach, some leftover red pepper, and some leftover mushrooms (along with some garlic and onions!). It was a great supper, really hearty (something David always appreciates)! There's really no just beat up some eggs, then throw in your "add-ins" and bake it until it's puffy and golden. We had some fried potatoes with this meal, too. So there you have first Thrifty Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great way to use up leftovers! Great thrifty recipe!
