Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesdays With Dorie

This week's Tuesday With Dorie assignment was Banana Cream Pie, chosen by Amy, who has a beautiful blog called Sing for Your Supper. However, I didn't make the Banana Cream Pie. I had every intention of doing so, but I have an excellent excuse for doing a rewind recipe. You see, yesterday was my Mom's birthday. As a part of her gift, last Sunday I handed her my copy of Baking: From My Home to Yours and told her to choose anything from the book and I'd make it for her. She said, "That cake on the cover looks pretty good, but I'll look and see what else I can find." Now, in my heart of hearts, I was thinking, "Oh, I hope she chooses the cover cake!" because the rest of the Tuesdays With Dorie folks got to make it (Devil's Food White-Out Cake) a couple of weeks ago, before I became a member, and I was oh-so-jealous! So she looked through the book and told me she'd like either the "cover cake" or the Black-and-White Chocolate Cake (pg. 258), but that I could choose. Then she said something to the effect of, "But they both look really complicated, so if you just want to make something else, that'd be fine, too." What?! Heck no! I was making one of those cakes for my Mom, if it killed me (of course, I knew neither of them would kill me. One might require an additional trip to the grocery, but that's no biggie). So I decided on the Devil's Food White-Out Cake:

Pretty, huh? The cake part came together pretty easily...really easily, actually. But man, was I scared of this frosting! I was super-intimidated by the idea of having to pour boiling sugar syrup into egg whites whipping around in my KitchenAid. But I sent up a little prayer and went to work, and it came together like a dream! I was so freakin' proud of myself! I have never made any kind of a cooked frosting before (or worked with a candy thermometer), so to get it together on the first try was amazing! And it sure was tasty, too! Like marshmallow clouds! YUM! Here's a picture of the inside of the cake:
There were about eight of us at Mom's party, and we put the hurt on this cake! I had to hurry up and cut a piece for David (who was absent) because I was afraid there wouldn't be any left. If you'd like to have the recipe for the cake, check out Confessions of a City Eater, since it was her pick. It's definitely worthy of a try, and I think Easter would be the perfect excuse! But if you'd like the recipe for the Banana Cream Pie, which is what the rest of the Tuesdays With Dorie participants made this week, you'll need to visit Amy's site. Next week, we're making the Chocolate Amaretti Torte! It will be my entry in CUB's silent auction/bake sale for their Relay for Life team. Cross your fingers, and happy baking!

*Also, check out She's Becoming Dough-Mess-Tic for a super-cool giveaway!

1 comment:

  1. Glad your mom enjoyed the cake, the banana cream pie was awesome!
