Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bad News, Ya'll

There'll be no Tuesdays With Dorie today. Not because I didn't participate. Oh, I participated. Last night at 8 o'clock, I was making a delicious, simple treat for David and me. Jessica, from My Baking Heart, picked the Parisian Apple Tarlets. This dessert required a total of four ingredients, and took about 10 minutes to prepare. It took way longer to peel and cut the apple than it did to finish up the assembly! These little treats were absolutely delicious, and I'll definitely be making them again. They'd be a perfect little treat for those times when you've got last-minute guests coming, but you've got no time to prepare a nice dessert.
Anyway, there are no pictures because my camera has quit working. I have no idea what the heck is wrong with it. So, whenever I get a new camera, I'll be back to blogging. Until then, so long...farewell...auf wiedersehen...adieu.


  1. I'm with you about definitely making these again! Sorry about your camera - I know how it feels, the beau's camera died too and he's been going through a little camera withdrawal. Hope you're able to get a new camera soon! =)

  2. Nooooo! I need pics, Erin!!! I can't wait for you to get your camera recharged again so we have pics. I love the way you put your pics of the food together...you are the ultimate food stylist, my friend!!!

    I'll be checking back!


  3. Oh no! I'm sorry about the camera :(
