Monday, June 8, 2009

Confetti Chicken

This past Saturday, David and I went over to his parents' house for his brother Patrick's birthday. While we were there, we ventured out into Shirley's garden. I came home with a basket full of home-grown produce. Earl issued me a challenge. He said he wanted to see every item on my blog this week. Okay, Earl! Here's the first of many meals featuring some of the bounty from Shirley's garden! Today, I present to you...Confetti Chicken. It's kind of a loosey-goosey interpretation of a dish I found in a Kraft Food & Family magazine a couple of years ago. I can't find the magazine, but I was able to remember a few of the ingredients. Here's what you'll need:
You'll need some black olives, garlic, an onion from your mother-in-law's garden, a red pepper, and feta cheese (pretend that there's a block of feta cheese on the cutting board).
Cut up all your ingredients, stir them up together, and spread them out over some chicken breasts that you've liberally seasoned with Greek seasoning (or the seasoning blend of your choice) and placed in a greased baking dish. Bake in a 350-degree oven for about 30 minutes (depending on how thick your chicken breasts are).It turned out really well. It was a very light main dish, but it was full of flavor! I just fixed some green beans to go with it (Shirley's aren't ready yet), and we had a delightful, healthy meal in about 30 minutes! Yum!
Coming up tomorrow: Parisian Apple (and Nectarine) Tartlets. It's TWD time!

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