Tuesday, July 27, 2010

TWD: Chewy Chunky Blondies

This week's Tuesdays with Dorie pick was chosen by Nicole of Cookies on Fridays. They were the perfect dessert for a summer pool party! David and I had a group of friends over (and their kiddos!) last Saturday for a swim, and these cookies were gobbled up in no time!
These blondies really are chewy and chunky! They're absolutely full of good stuff...nuts, chocolate chips, and Heath bar pieces. I left out the coconut because...well...I forgot to put it in until I slid the pan in the oven. But I decided that it was probably best that I left it out, because lots of people don't like coconut.
Look at the fudginess! Yum! I had a couple of problems with these, but I'm not exactly sure what caused them. First, they baked up in the same way as my Chipster Topped Brownies...with lots of gaps and holes around the edges, with super-flat middles. The other problem was with baking time. I baked them for the prescribed 40 minutes and let them cool for 15 minutes. I went to turn them out of the pan...and SPLAT! part of them plopped onto the cooling rack and the other part stayed in the pan. I was able to get it all back in the pan and cooked it for another 10 minutes. Not done. Another 10 minutes. Not done. Another 10 minutes...still not done, but I was tired of dealing with them. I let them cool overnight in the pan, then inverted it, and they were still a little moist, but not really underdone. But they were good. And sweeeet! They're pretty rich, but that didn't keep us from eating the whole pan on Saturday! These are definitely a recipe to make time and time again...and maybe next time I'll remember to add the coconut. If you want to give these blondies a try, visit Nicole's blog, Cookies on Friday for the recipe. Happy baking!


  1. wow they are so "blonde"! they look perfect.

  2. They do look so good! I know these are sweet, but I do love 'em. Nice job.

  3. They look wonderful! Good thing that you were able to save them and get them back in the oven.

  4. Your blondies look so chunky and delicious! I loved this recipe :-)

  5. they look lovely! mine were the same...gooey and with gaps at the top, but i kinda liked the crunchy contrast. and i had to stick mine in the freezer b/c after a day i had eaten half the pan--by myself!!! eep!!

  6. Your pictures look great so you saved them from their underdoneness. Thanks for baking along with me this week.

  7. They look perfect! Mine were a bit soft and "gooey" inside, but I thought they were fabulous!
