Tuesday, July 20, 2010

TWD: Lots of Ways Banana Cake

I love bananas, but I'm really picky about eating them. They have to be just right, or they're no good, in my opinion. But even a banana that's past its prime for eating can be turned into a delicious dessert. And that's why I don't feel guilty when I buy 6 bananas a week and only eat 3 before they're "too ripe." Instead of going to waste, they get tossed in the freezer where they'll wait until I decide to make banana bread.
Even though this recipe wasn't banana bread, it was just as delicious (and maybe even moreso). Dorie lists at least half a dozen different variations on this recipe. You can change the liquid ingredients (coconut milk, buttermilk, regular milk, or my pick...sour cream) or the mix-ins (coconut, dried fruits). My mix-in of choice? Mini chocolate chips. Oh, yes I did. I love banana and chocolate together. I knew that these were destined to be muffins/cupcakes, so the mini chips were perfect. Dorie suggests frosting the cake with marshmallow frosting, whipped cream frosting, or chocolate ganache. I had planned on topping my cupcakes with ganache, but as you can see, they ended up being nekkid. David and I both decided that they were perfect as-is (He ate 5. FIVE!) and I was afraid the ganache would overwhelm the banana. And the chocolate chips were just chocolatey enough.
David took some of the muffins to work with him, and I took the rest with me. And I think everyone loved them. These were really moist, which is something I definitely appreciate in a cupcake/muffin/quickbread. If you want to use up some ripe bananas, you can find the recipe over at Kimberly's blog,Only Creative Opportunities. Happy baking!


  1. Glad you enjoyed them, we did too! This was my farewell post with TWD after almost two years of baking along. Hope you'll stop by and say goodbye!

  2. i am exactly the same about bananas. i like mine barely ripe--i buy them when they're still green, and if the brown spots show up, into the freezer they go! i was so glad to get to use up some of my frozen stash on this, and i agree that it was awesome "nekkid" ;) btw...when i was little my dad was teaching a sunday school class and talking about adam & eve and said they "were nekkid & unashamed" there were some "northerners" in his class who had no idea what he was saying, lol!

  3. I am definitely going to have to try these with chocolate chips next time! They sound great as a muffin.

  4. Yum they look so good and what a great idea to make muffins! I loved this recipe and the cake was so good!

  5. Your sour cream and chocolate chip version sounds great! I like my bananas pretty ripe, but when they're way past their prime, I freeze them too.
